PTA Rail Bridge ICCP
Public Transport Authority of WA
Fremantle, Western Australia
Works Completed
Concrete repairs, Protective coatings, Cathodic protection
The project is earmarked for completion in August 2022 and at the peak, the project employed over 20 site personnel, including electoral trades, rope access crews, and specialist Cathodic Protection technicians.
The Fremantle Rail Bridge is a twin line structure, crossing the Swan River between Fremantle and North Fremantle.
Client Brief
Past inspections of the bridge substructure indicate damage to the concrete elements and subsequent assessment undertaken the Public Transport Authority of Western Australia (PTA) confirmed the steel reinforcement of pile caps and skirting panels of the Fremantle Bridge are experiencing corrosion induced by ingress of chlorides. Based on the deteriorating condition MCM were engaged to undertake concrete repairs, protective coatings, and installation of a cathodic protection system to the original concrete substructure, carried out across multiple piers simultaneously without affecting the waterway below or the rail network above.
What we delivered:
Design of ICCP system targeted to protect the reinforcing within the pier structures
Access installation including a bespoke handrail system around the perimeter of each pier
Survey of each element of the bridge
Concrete repair on top of the piers and the associated skirting panels
Installation of Discrete and Ribbon Anode system