Our Services


range of services

Our breadth of specialist capability is possible through skilled workmanship honed over decades.

Several of our services are exclusive to MCM, including patented systems for Electrochemical Chloride Extraction (ECE) and Electrochemical Re-alkalisation (ER).

  • Electrochemical Protection

    Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP)

    Galvanic (passive) systems

    Cathodic prevention

    Hybrid anode systems

    Electrochemical Chloride Extraction (ECE)

    Electrochemical Realkalisation (ER)

  • Marine Construction

    Bridge and wharf carpentry

    Design and construction

    Heavy lifting and jacking

    Jetty and wharf construction and remediation


    Retaining walls / seawalls

    Bridge widening

    Traffic barrier upgrades

  • Protective Coatings

    Blast and paint

    Silane impregnation

    Concrete coatings

    Steel corrosion control

    Timber stains and finishes

  • Structural Strengthening

    Bonded plate reinforcement

    Polymer composite strips and wraps

    Fabric-formed concrete

    Carbon fibre strengthening

  • Concrete Repairs

    Exposed aggregate repairs

    Rendered repair

    Crack injection

    Joint Replacement

    Façade repair

    Sprayed concrete

  • Access Systems

    Suspended decks

    Modular lifting barges

    Bespoke specialist access systems

    Rope access

  • Technical Services

    Asset management

    Condition/durability assessments

    Feasibility/constructability consultation

    Aerial and underwater drones

    Remedial design

    In-house diagnostics

    Level 1, 2 & 3 certified inspectors

    NACE/ACA accredited engineers

  • Pile Maintenance

    Concrete pile encasements

    Polyethylene and petrolatum tape jackets

    Polymer composite fabric wrapping

    Timber pile splicing

    Sheet pile repair

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Need help with your next remediation project? Get in touch for a confidential chat today.