NSW Ports Culverts



NSW Ports


Wollongong, NSW

Works Completed

Electrochemical Chloride Extraction, GCP, Concrete repairs

Electrochemical chloride extraction was applied to extend the service life of four culvert cells using MCM’s patented GreenTech Shield system along with concrete repairs and galvanic anodes.


Port Kembla, a key trade hub for agriculture, construction, and mining, relies on culverts supporting trains entering and exiting the port. Approved as NSW’s next container terminal, infrastructure investments ensure sustainable growth, efficient freight, and critical rail operations..

Client Brief

NSW Ports commissioned MCM to perform electrochemical chloride extraction (ECE), galvanic cathodic protection and concrete repairs on four cells of the port’s culvert, covering an area of approximately 1,100 square meters. This culvert serves as a critical passage for trains entering and exiting the port.

What we delivered:

  • Concrete remediation

  • Electrochemical Chloride Extraction design,  installation and monitoring 

  • Civil works to reroute the waterway during works

  • Galvanic cathodic protection system design and installation


Garth Prowd Bridge


Thursday Island Wharves Repairs