Garth Prowd Bridge



Noosa Shire Council


Noosa Heads, Queensland

Works Completed

Bridge Remediation Works 

The Garth Prowd Bridge provides a vital link to Hastings Street, Noosa beaches and the National Park precincts, forming part of Noosa’s principal cycle network and transport corridor.


Garth Prowd Bridge is a four-span prestressed concrete plank bridge crossing a saltwater canal, adjacent to Noosa Park, Noosa Heads. MCM was engaged by Noosa Council to undertake bridge remediation works to extend the lifespan of the bridge while enhancing its safety and functionality for all users.

Client Brief

Following on from extensive condition assessments and feasibility assessments, critical elements of Garth Prowd bridge were identified as requiring remediation and strengthening works to ensure continued serviceability of this critical infrastructure, which acts as a gateway to Noosa Heads.

What we delivered:

  • Concrete repairs

  • Pile encasement with FRP jackets

  • Protective coatings to concrete and steel elements

  • Design and installation of Cathodic Protection system

  • Steel strengthening to girder beams

  • Replacement of timber decking to southern walkway

  • Removal of existing and installation of new deck-wearing surface, including waterproofing membrane

  • Installation of deck expansion joints


NSW Ports Culverts